21 June 2013 |
Daftar Isi Volume 23 Nomor 1 |
Anima |
21 June 2013 |
Editorial Volume 23 Nomor 1 |
Anima |
21 June 2013 |
Group Differences in Learning between Students and Employees |
Hora W. Tjitra, Ying Guo, and Yang Zhang |
21 June 2013 |
Health Promoting Opportunities in Urban Environment |
Jan Vinck |
21 June 2013 |
Reconciling Work and Family Responsibilities: A Global Perspective |
E.A. Bardoel and H. De Cieri |
21 June 2013 |
Healthy Urban Planning: Meaning of Sustainable Development to Improve the Quality of Human Life in the City |
Haryo Sulistyarso |
21 June 2013 |
Marginalized Society in the City of Surabaya: A Proposal for Effective Solution |
Yusti Probowati |
21 June 2013 |
Orientasi Religius Dewasa Madya Kristen dalam Pelayanan Gereja |
Yennie Limanto, Monique E. Sukamto, dan Jenny L. Setiawan |
21 June 2013 |
Dimas: Gay yang Pernah Nikah Secara Heteroseksual (Sebuah Life History) |
Adi Nugroho |
21 June 2013 |
Impostor Phenomenon, Self-Esteem, dan Self-Efficacy |
Aprilia Dwi Wulandari dan Sia Tjundjing |
21 June 2013 |
Gangguan Autisme dan Penatalaksanaan Psikiatrik |
Endang Warsiki |
21 June 2013 |
Berbagai Macam Adiksi dan Penatalaksanaannya |
Soetjipto |
21 June 2013 |
Deteksi Gangguan Psikogeriatrik di Tempat Praktik |
JF Tri Arimanto Yuwana |
21 June 2013 |
Abstrak Jurnal Volume 23 Nomor 1 |
Suwito Hendraningrat Pudiono dan Hari K. Lasmono |
21 June 2013 |
Daftar Isi Volume 23 Nomor 2 |
Anima |
21 June 2013 |
Editorial Volume 23 Nomor 2 |
Anima |
21 June 2013 |
Job Satisfaction, Job Characteristics, Job Organization, and Social Factors in Manufacturing Industries: A Case Study in Malaysia |
Siti Zawiah Md Dawal |
21 June 2013 |
I Love You Tomorrow: Prokrastinasi Akademik dan Manajemen Waktu |
Iven Kartadinata dan Sia Tjundjing |
21 June 2013 |
Remaja dan Jenis Bacaan Non-Akademis |
Indri Putri Waskithasari, Setiasih, dan Idfi Setyaningrum |
21 June 2013 |
Reinventing Poverty Alleviation Strategies Through Corporate Social Responsibility |
Denni I. Arli, Pamela D. Morrison, and Mohammed A. Razzaque |
21 June 2013 |
Analisis Faktor Model Prestasi Belajar Mahasiswa |
Weny Savitry Sembiring Pandia |
21 June 2013 |
Depression and Self-Esteem Among Child Sexual Abuse Victims in Malaysia |
Nor Shafrin binti Ahmad and Rohany binti Nasir |
21 June 2013 |
Teachers Knowledge, Attitude, and Awareness of Sustainable Development Education Among Urban Malaysian School |
Abdul Ghani Kanesan Abdullah and Aziah binti Ismail |
21 June 2013 |
Kegiatan Individu Pada Masa Pensiun |
Anastasia Dinda Paramitadan, Setiasih, dan Idfi Setianingrum |
21 June 2013 |
Pemeriksaan Gangguan Daya Ingat di Usia Madya |
Agustina Konginan |
21 June 2013 |
Ketergantungan pada Internet: Game On-Line, Video Game, dan Sejenisnya |
Sasanti Yuniar |
21 June 2013 |
Deteksi Dini Depresi Anak dan Remaja |
Endang Warsiki |
21 June 2013 |
Daftar Isi Volume 23 Nomor 3 |
Anima |
21 June 2013 |
Editorial Volume 23 Nomor 3 |
Anima |
21 June 2013 |
On the Role of Culture in the Interaction Between Patient and Provider of Health Care |
Jan Vinck |
21 June 2013 |
Antecedents and Consequences of Corporate Social Responsibility in Poverty Alleviation Initiatives |
Denni I. Arli and Pamela D. Morrison |
21 June 2013 |
Racial Socialization in Two Cultures |
Srisiuni Sugoto and Aminuddin Mohd Yusof |
21 June 2013 |
The Development of Poem Instructional Module Based on Dick & Carey’s Instructional System Design |
Fadzilah bt Amzah & Haniza Zakaria |
21 June 2013 |
Permasalahan dan Penyesuaian Diri pada Pernikahan Wanita Muslimah Berjilbab dan Bercadar |
Yurika Fauzia Wardhani |
21 June 2013 |
Understanding the Struggle of University Students in Indonesia |
Jenny Lukito Setiawan |
21 June 2013 |
Practicing the Sensitivity of Social Life to Chemical Engineering Students Through Cooperative Learning |
Akbarningrum Fatmawati, Natalia Suseno, Lie Hwa, and Ivonne Edrika |
21 June 2013 |
Multiple Baseline Design Across Materials-Behaviors-Examiners : Penerapan untuk Kasus Blood Phobia |
Listyo Yuwanto dan Christine Santoso |
21 June 2013 |
Perfeksionisme, Prokrastinasi Akademik, dan Penyelesaian Skripsi Mahasiswa |
Vensi Anita Ria Gunawinata, Nanik, dan Hari K. Lasmono |
21 June 2013 |
Jenis dan Sumber Dukungan Sosial pada Mahasiswa |
Lydia Rahardjo, Setiasih, dan Idfi Setianingrum |
21 June 2013 |
Peran Psikogeriatri dan Perawatan Paliatif dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Kesehatan Para Lanjut Usia |
Marlina Setiawati Mahajudin |
21 June 2013 |
Brief Report: The Effect of Verbalising and Voluntary Movements on Left Hemisphere |
Anggita Hapsari |
21 June 2013 |
Abstrak Jurnal Volume 23 Nomor 3 |
Hari K. Lasmono |
21 June 2013 |
Daftar Isi Volume 23 Nomor 4 |
Anima |
21 June 2013 |
Editorial Volume 23 Nomor 4 |
Anima |
21 June 2013 |
Community Art and Health Promotion |
Heather Gridley |
21 June 2013 |
The Influence of Peer Group Interaction and Academic Self-Concept on Academic Achievement |
Estu Dwi Cahyani and Sugiyanto |
21 June 2013 |
Role Playing Method Decreases Communication Anxiety of Medical Students |
Ni Made Swasti Wulanyani, I Made Sudarmaja, Dewa Ayu Agus Laksemi, and Edwin Adrianta Surijah |
21 June 2013 |
Religious Issue in Psychotherapy |
Johana E. Prawitasari |
21 June 2013 |
Understanding the Mass Trance Phenomenon in Indonesia: Between Traditional Beliefs and Community Mental Health |
Lidia Laksana Hidajat |
21 June 2013 |
Psikologi Forensik: Tantangan Psikolog sebagai Ilmuwan dan Profesional |
Yusti Probowati |
21 June 2013 |
University Students and Their Concerns: Prevalence and Degree of Severity |
Jenny Lukito Setiawan |
21 June 2013 |
Sumber Daya Pribadi dan Sumber Daya Sosial sebagai Mediator Dampak Kejadian Menekan Terhadap Munculnya Gejala Depresi pada Remaja |
Sofia Retnowati |
21 June 2013 |
Ayah-Anak: Kajian Eksistensial dan Fenomenologis Atas Novel Bukan Pasarmalam, Karya Pramoedya Ananta Toer |
Waty Chai, Tonny, dan Hari K. Lasmono |
21 June 2013 |
Abstrak Jurnal Volume 23 Nomor 4 |
Hari K. Lasmono |