
Volume 21

Date Title Authors
17 October 2012 Daftar Isi Vol 21 No 3 Hari K. Lasmono
17 October 2012 Editorial Vol 21 No 3 Hari K. Lasmono
17 October 2012 Does Assertiveness and Friendliness Affect a Person's Satisfaction With Social Support? Teh, H.P., Teoh, H.J., Sinniah, D. and S.K. Pillay
17 October 2012 Aromaterapi Jeruk, Bunga Kenanga, dan Bau Tak Menyenangkan dan Peningkatan Kesadaran Pengemudi Yohan Kurniawan & Rosmi Ismail dan Mohd. Jailani & Mohd. Nor
17 October 2012 Autism and Its Relation to Impaired Central Coherence Roseliza Murni Ab. Rahman dan Ng Wai Sheng
18 October 2012 Job Satisfaction of Shop Floor Workers in Automotive Industries in Malaysia S.Z. Dawal, Z. Taha, and R.A. Ghazilla
18 October 2012 Memahami Kekeluargaan Sebagai Budaya Organisasi di Indonesia Teguh Wijaya Mulya, Yusti Probowati Rahayu, dan Artiawardi Mawardi
18 October 2012 Apakah Psikologi Dapat Terintegrasi Dicky Hastjarjo
18 October 2012 Perilaku Terorisme Mirra Noor Milla
18 October 2012 Citra Tubuh Perempuan Di Media Massa Monique Elizabeth Sukamto
18 October 2012 Abstrak Jurnal Vol 21 No 3 Hari K. Lasmono
18 October 2012 Daftar Isi Vol 21 No 4 Hari K. Lasmono
18 October 2012 Editorial Vol 21 No 4 Hari K. Lasmono
18 October 2012 Does Social Support Predicts a Person's Quality of Life? P.P Onn, H.J. Teoh, D. Sinniah and S.K. Pillay
18 October 2012 Pemodelan Persamaan Struktural Suatu Pengantar Faturochman
18 October 2012 Tatalaksana Gangguan Mental Emosional Endang Warsiki
18 October 2012 Forming the Gender Stereotype Behaviour Because of the Peer's Influence: A Meta-analysis Arundati Shinta
18 October 2012 NVivo Sebagai Alat Bantu Analisis Data Kualitatif Jenny Lukito Setiawan
18 October 2012 Reformasi Kesehatan di Indonesia Stefanus Supriyanto
18 October 2012 Abstrak Jurnal Vol 21 No 4 Hari K. Lasmono
19 October 2012 Pendekatan Gestalt Dalam Organisasi Johanna E. Prawitasari
01 July 2013 Daftar Isi Volume 21 Nomor 1 Anima
01 July 2013 Editorial Volume 21 Nomor 1 Anima
01 July 2013 Impulse Bidding: An Empirical Analysis of Ebay Web Site Yani
01 July 2013 Model Pendidikan Budi Pekerti Menurut Pandangan Sigmund Freud Muhari
01 July 2013 Different Ways of Holding Babies and Physiological Load Hsien-Yu Tseng", Bor-Shong Liu, and Chang-Ching Lin
01 July 2013 Pengaruh Reward dan Sistem Kompetisi Terhadap Prestasi Pemanah Indonesia I Gusti Ayu Putu Wulan Budisetyani
01 July 2013 Ergonomic Evaluation of Least Fatiguing Stairs in Indian Houses for Women Users P. Sandhu" and M. Sidhu
01 July 2013 Fern berdayaan Nelayan: Kajian Restrospektif Terhadap Kebijakan Nelayan di Kabupaten Lamongan Mohammad Suud
01 July 2013 Book Review: Scaling Procedures: Issues and Applications Sia Tjundjing
01 July 2013 Abstrak Jurnal Volume 21 Nomor 1 Anindito Aditomo, Edwin Adrianta Surijah, dan Hari K. Lasmono
01 July 2013 Daftar Isi Volume 21 Nomor 2 Anima
01 July 2013 Editorial Volume 21 Nomor 2 Anima
01 July 2013 Pelatihan Meditasi-Otogenik dan Peningkatan Konsentrasi Sprinter Miftakhul Jannah
01 July 2013 Dengan Kesehatan Perempuan Menuju Indonesia Sehat H. Lila Dewata Azinar
01 July 2013 Hubungan Orang Tua Dengan Anak Dewasanya dan Keputusasaan di Kalangan Warga Tua Soerjantini Rahaju
01 July 2013 Predicting Academic Adjustment and Results of STUNED (STUderen in NEDerland) Students by Self Concept and Self Efficacy Ermida Simanjuntak
01 July 2013 Classroom Furniture and Student Body Dimensions in East Malaysian Primary Schools R.A R.. Ghazilla*', Z. Taha. S.H.A. Rashid, Iskandar, Nazaruddin, and S.H. Sajeli
01 July 2013 Physical Fitness and Academic Achievement: Preschool Based and Non-Preschool Based Elementary School Pupils Tjetjep Habibudin a n d Danu Hoedaya
01 July 2013 Assessment of Performance, Subjective Rating and Workload on Various Parking Layouts Bor-Shong Liu" and Hsien-Yu Tseng
01 July 2013 Ethnography and Cognitive Task Analysis to Elicit Expert Knowledge in Perceptual-Motor Tasks Angela L.S. Tan, Rosemary R. Seva, and Martin G. Helander
01 July 2013 Stres Kerja Akibat Konflik Peran Pada Wanita Bali Swasti Wulanyani, Lilik Sudiajeng
01 July 2013 Abstrak Jurnal Volume 21 Nomor 2 Anindito Aditomo. Edwin Adrianta Surijah, dan Hari K. Lasmono